Hour 1
* Guest: Chris Carlson - Without God, we can never win, With God, we can never lose, The Battle for Freedom is the Lord's, but we need to be engaged in the fight! - Discussion of All Things Liberty.
* Meet the New Boss; Same as the Old Boss: Ronald Regan and the Rise of Supply-Side Economics!
* Supply-side economics holds that increasing the supply of goods [and services] translates to economic growth for a country. In supply-side fiscal policy, practitioners often focus on cutting taxes, lowering borrowing rates, and deregulating industries to foster increased production.
* David Alan Stockman wrote a book entitled The Great Deformation, the Corruption of Capitalism in America.
* The Rise of China.
* The Reagan Revolution was indeed a revolution, but not one that benefited the American people. China thanks Reagan and his supporters for its magnificent growth.
* Growth of the Warfare State.
* the \"fall of Communism in the Soviet Union was a carefully crafted deception - Joel Skousen, WorldAffairsBrief.com
* One of the most glaring aspects of the Regan and Trump Presidencies was the fact that neither questioned the legitimacy of the Federal Reserve System, nor did they abolish the Department of Education - You Must Ask Why?
Hour 2
* Guest: Brandon Beckham - Author of the powerful Resolution against Critical Race Theory in Utah Schools.
* What is SEL? Parents push back against CRT 'Trojan Horse.
* Social Emotional Learning - Nothing But A Gateway to The Hard Core CRT Agenda!
* FBI Using Counterterrorism Tools To Track Parents - Jim Jordan says AG Garland needs to explain FBI tracking.
* What are we to do? How do we reject this subversive agenda and remove CRT from our Society and schools?
* Brandon's Film Project: American Identity, The Rise of CRT!
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